Starlight Sculptor is an experimental animated short trailer combining the traditional 3D animation with real-time rendering background using game engine In this trailer, I made a short promotion trailer to give audience to understand brief background and story take place in the fictional world inside planet Gaya, where the specialist Lowenna Newton and her companion 541 unit to travel around the world, explore the abandoned world of their ancestors from mysterious planet called the blue marble and search for remaining parts that will revive the Great Mother of Universe.
Main story is inspired from John Ames Mitchell's future history novel "The Last American," and the Map of Earth’s interior by Yaggy's Geographical Study, 1887.
Making the 3D animation is a medium that takes a lot of works to finish the work, specially for people who does not own expensive workstation computer with higher specs. However, with use of real time engine such as Blender's EEVEE and Unreal Engine 5, 3D artists can create unlimited amount of creativity with those tools, and share with us through the social media.
Without using the render farm or expensive workstation computer, this trailer is made by using the regular gaming computer, and the open source or cheaper commercial alternative software.
For making this animated short trailer, I can explore the possibilities for using the game engine as replacing the traditional matte painting or 3d map making. This will apply for creating both 2D or 3D animated series in the future.
An animation by Martin Namwook Cho
Original Music by Hunter V. Mauer
Project Supervisor Dr. Christine Veras
Sound FX from Soundly & Freesounds.org
Title font design from "Dissolve" by Freddie Line
Additional Textures from Poliigon.com & Textures.com
References from Public Domain Review
List of Public Domain Resources Used:
"The Last American (1889)" by John Ames Mitchell
"Levi Walter Yaggy’s Geographical Maps and Charts (1887/93)"
List of Software Used: