More than thousand years ago, the ancient human beings were facing catastrophe, the most brave and gifted scientists set out from the ancient Blue Marble to search answers outer sky to save their people. They've discovered numerous amount of new resources to revive animals, plants and also successor of themselves when they arrived at planet Gaya.
Upon their journey, they discovered the solution after creation of the Great Mother of Universe, who later created Gayan and Eidolon, which led the continuation of new lifetime for their new era. While the abandoned human arrived behind the schedule. Despite the migration of their ancestors being successful but letting the ancient settlers accept the new rules and practices were a complete failure, They've been treated as perpetrators who nearly destroyed the Great Mother of Universe and most records on Memory Storage (a ginormous time capsule device where each of the remains are recorded to promote the diversity of human history and culture).
Time has passed, after the interest of the Oldens disappeared for a while, Gayan began to plan on reviving the Great Mother of Universe from slumber, but never given any interest of protecting the remaining Oldens who scattered around the surface. They believed only the Great Mother and her overseers called ‘Wiseminds’ will decide what they might deal with the Oldens and their faceless new threats.

The Great Mother of Universe
6000 years ago
The Great Mother of Universe
6000 years ago
Creation of Eidolons
2000 years ago
Olden Conflicts
2100 - 1041
Olden's Decline
755 - 2301
Restoration Era
2700 - 3402 (present)
One of the miracle child who were successfully being born from their ancient practice called the "StarChild Project," combining human genetics, psychic abilities, and the artificial substance mix of resources from the asteroids and the planet's core. As a first generation of the super child, her original body wasn't last longer due to the crumbling body parts.
Her creators slowly departed from their lifespan and cease of making artificial body parts, so she was reborn as a living cyborg (Eidolon) to find out the answer for the solution and future with her new supernatural powers with her new lifespan. As she was spending longer time to pursuit answer, invented "Wiseminds" to take care of the StarChild project and creation of Eidolons, it has turned out more successful than before.
Eidolons are separated entities from ordinary machines. Most of them were powered by the mix of elemental and spirit energy invented by the Great Mother of Universe.
A native living cyborg that is incarnated with the free minded souls, and their main purpose is to help and assist Gayans in a variety of positions, such as education, domestic and convalescence, while Gayans helping Eidolons to repair, also involving in tasks they cannot do.
A Gayan soldiers who critically injured or departed during the Olden Conflicts, their conscious will be mix of elemental powers and implant into a mechanical body, which they also be considered as one of the Eidolon.
Settlers from the blue marble arrived by facing through harsh condition against the astraphobia and hopelessness. Even the introduction of the Great Mother who brought the new life to people, settlers refuses to adapt their new life by eliminating the old practices.
Due to the conflict between settlers and Gayans dropped astronomically, including dis-trust of help from Eidolon and looting their parts for their own goods. Even corrupting every living nature and looting valuable resources without Gaya's permission.
Gayans were slowly departed from supporting remaining Oldens, and focused on moderate their new living practice.
Olden's strength were becoming more weaken, and their only strategy was to loot from the Gayan's belongings and battle against them to return what was there's. Wiseminds invented 541 units to eliminate every Oldens' belonging and non-profitable records to begin reconstruction on the planet Gaya. Oldens are now hidden along the continents of planet Gaya.
Remaining Oldens are now strategized as a species that has almost disappeared enough to be displayed as a specimen in a museum. Only remaining human species have been recognized as thieves, fanatics, or attackers.
A long year after the Great Mother is destroyed and the avoidance of Olden's attack, Gayan and Eidolon decided to revive the great mother with the remaining technologies and implementing the new one. But due to the damage, they were not welcomed.
After the Great Mother is being attacked by the unknown dangerous Olden groups, her body is destroyed, but her spirit is remaining, slumbering inside the giant mainframe. Wiseminds plan to recover her body by sending the explorers to the forbidden bases, and solving the issue of the problem of conflict between Olden and another faceless opponents.