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Virtual Environment
(Level Design)

Every environment is inspired from video game map design, mostly linear style game moving from point A to point B. Original idea of making a large open world was scrapped due to the lack of time to finish it in time, but still able to make large environment to add backstories for each maps.

For reason, rendering the animation including multiple characters, assets and environment objects in one file, it is extremely limited and slow down the progress. Even using the Blender's AI powered denoise option could not able to fix.

Lighting was bit complicated than working entirely in Blender (or similar 3D software) since environment light and exposure were constantly changes, so it took couple experiments to match the cell shaded characters on top.

Each environments are made with Blender, Substance Painter, Substance Sampler, and Unreal Engine 5. Click the images to see more description.

Railcar Entrance & Station

Click on the Video to Watch the Demonstration

Matrona Underground Base - Garden Hall

The artificial forest created by the MATRONA ELIX corporation. It was made for early humans to be active and adaptable to live on the new world until the surface were fully terraformed enough for them, and wild life creatures and plants from the old world.

All environments are made with Blender, Substance Painter, Substance Sampler, and Unreal Engine 5.

Click on the Video to Watch the Demonstration

Archive Storage

Archive storage is a massive virtual memory vault where the early humans manage to gather every historical records as back up system, just in case for Olden civilization might collapse in the future. It also stored the valuable documents about the StarChild Project, a thousand years of planning, and terraforming another habitable planets. It uses a portable mechanical tablet to store and move to different facility.

Most of the mechanical tablets are moved out of underground base, or demolished. Lowenna Newton and 541 Unit were on the mission to find one of the functioning tablet after the discovery.

All environments are made with Blender, Substance Painter, Substance Sampler, and Unreal Engine 5.

Click on the Video to Watch the Demonstration


©2023 by Martin Namwook Cho, "Starlight Sculptor"

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