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Lowenna Newton

A young Gayan specialist who was randomly chosen as a explorer to discover the remains of the ancients left on the surface of planet Gaya.

She also has a high skill of repairing the machine parts, so anytime exploring around with her new companion, gathers new parts and repair companion to fully run in action.

Concept Arts

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541 Unit

Lowenna Newton's new companion.

Eidolon (natural sentient being active inside metal armor) built for cleansing the remaining of the old belonging of the Earth-born's monuments and records, but he is the last functional unit which active after the missions are over.

Without any purpose of future and objective to accomplish, so he follow along with Lowen Newton, and search for new purposes.

Concept Arts

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Big Scrap

Self-automated non-sentient machine that malfunctioned due to the failure of main system alteration and end up eliminating their own creators and allies.

Originally built as a automated transportation pylum unit in order to help the registered ancients outer border far away from Gayan territory. Later improvised as a weapon.

Concept Arts


The Great Mother of Universe

A mysterious figure who was the main benefactor of inventing civilization on planet Gaya, birth of Gayan and Eidolon and her predecessor group called "Wiseminds," but also deliver of Oldens who migrated from earth who settle on planet Gaya thousands of years ago.

She was the first generation successfully born from StarChild Project, who also gifted with all the psychic powers. Later she turned herself combined with mechanical armor to search for more answer on the universe and great more advanced human being who can adapt the new practice and prepare for the future.

Her body was destroyed by the group of Oldens, but the spirit remained protected and

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(Ancient human)

Uncontacted ancient people who arrived late on planet Gaya, their level of education and technological advance is barely recovered to the level of early 20th century with high illiteracy level.

Well known for destroying the Great Mother of Universe and the Ten Thousand records of history, culture & technology.

Many of them lived inside the Matrona Subterranean Base as their safe zone, until their inventions malfunctioned and destroyed their place.



©2023 by Martin Namwook Cho, "Starlight Sculptor"

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